Thanks for this. I'll read almost anything about Tolkien, even articles primarily about conservative American intellectuals. :)

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The machine did not accept my comment on your Cards on the table, Jul 25, 2022, so I place it here, in a branch of Middle Earth:

Thanks, Andrew,

Your call has resonance in other fields. For example,

Sofia Dyak and Mayhill Fowler, Center for Urban History, Ukraine, and Mayhill Fowler,”Working Between Categories or How to Get Lost in Order to Be Found,” ASEEES Newsnet, v. 62, n.4 (July 2022), file:///C:/Users/Paul's%20Laptop/Downloads/NewsNet%20July%202022.pdf

…. They call for use of non-Russian language sources to understand the diversity of Eastern Europe. Also, there can also be attention to the parts of the majority tradition that suggest, urge, and support attention to those out of power. Plus doing so will bring parts of our constituency together

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Thanks, Andrew,

Good job by you and Mills to use Tolkien thinking in story and assumptions to open up thinking about race and hierarchy.

It is interesting that “Middle-Earth is [so] meaningful to people of color. It seems for reasons similar to why non-whites identify with Bart Simpson: the non-mainstream, the prankster, the “non-achiever,” the street smart.

You write that “Christianity is white” and “whiteness is Christian” are and have always been factually false.” This is routinely overlooked by mainstream Christians and extremist white nationalists alike. Christianity was an import to Europe, a Middle Eastern immigrant. We pay little attention to indigenous spirituality in Europe, and if so, it is often ridiculed or patronized. Apparently, Europeans learned their colonialist ways the old-fashioned way, by passing forward their own experiences. And these days, there are major distortions of the “Christian West”; see for example, Amy Kaufman and Paul Sturtevant, The Devil’s Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past (University of Toronto Press, 2020); for selections, see and https://books.google.com/books?id=OMTnDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ViewAPI&hl=en#v=onepage&q&f=false; and for a brief essay, see Kaufman, “Medieval History and Modern Hate,” University of Toronto Press blog, August 27, 2020, https://utorontopress.com/blog/2020/08/27/kaufman-medieval-history-and-modern-hate/

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